
North Caucasus Branch of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin

The North Caucasus Branch with its center in Vladikavkaz is the only state institution in the North Caucasus that carries out activities in the field of contemporary art. The peculiarities of the Branch activities are inherent in its geographical location, which presupposes its spread to the region that is incredibly diverse in terms of cultures, religions, and mentality.

Realizing the delicacy of the tasks facing the Branch, we have determined for ourselves an exact and justified style of interaction with the North Caucasian society - we root contemporary art, we broadcast the meanings and values ​​of modern culture using a correct and understandable language. The long-term program of the branch "Contemporary Urgency" is devoted to an important topic for the regional culture – the integration of contemporary art into the traditional environment. The program will support projects related to the modern interpretation of the North Caucasian national historical, cultural, and natural heritage.

Our efforts are aimed at creating a single cultural space within the North Caucasus, where creative forces working with contemporary artistic practices and forces representing progressive scientific, cultural and social directions of human activity, which contemporary art correlates with, are combined.

The Alanica Culture Support Foundation

The Alanica Culture Support Foundation is a non-profit organization in the field of culture and art established in 2015 with the aim of implementing projects in the field of culture, consolidating the efforts of civil society aimed at developing cultural initiatives, popularizing contemporary art, creating new works of art in the field of contemporary art.


Contribute to the sustainable development of the Russian state and civil society via culture

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