The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, founded in 1958, has offices in more than 60 countries around the world. From the very beginning, the issues of culture were crucial for the activities of the Foundation, it is not by chance that Walter Erbe, Professor from Tübingen, a liberal politician dealing with cultural issues, was elected its first chairman.
Today, "Open Society and Culture" remains one of the main areas of the Foundation activities: the project "Artist and Tyrant - How to Promote Freedom through Art" brought together more than 100 participants in Tbilisi, where musicians, artists, poets, gallery owners from Eastern Europe shared their insights and practices, creative thoughts about freedom in general and, of course, about freedom of creativity.
Since its inception in 1993, the Moscow Branch has partnered with museums, galleries and theaters. Alanica Festival has been the pearl of such cooperation for several years now.

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is an executive body whose main objectives include:
- ensuring implementation of the republican state policy in the sphere of culture and art aimed at preserving the historical and cultural heritage and creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania to the freedom of creativity, participation in cultural life and the use of cultural institutions, access to cultural values;
determination of goals and priorities in the development of professional art, museum and library science, arts and crafts and folk art, education and science in the field of culture;
ensuring the process of integrating the culture of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania into the world cultural and communication space.

Republican Museum of Theater Art named after V. Tkhapsaev
The Museum of Theatrical Art of the Republic was established in 1994. This is the only state theater museum in the North Caucasus. The museum exposition reflects the history and development of professional theatrical art in RNO-Alania.
At present, the fund of the museum amounts to 14,500 items of storage, including paintings, graphics, applied arts, manuscripts, photographs, etc. - unique material of the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern periods.

National Museum of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
The Museum of the Tersk Region was founded in 1893 at the initiative of representatives of the intelligentsia of Vladikavkaz, which at that time was the center of lively archaeological activity due to the discovery of the famous Koban burial ground with unique bronze objects that formed the basis of the museum collection.
The museum was opened in the premises of the Regional Statistical Committee with the donations collected by subscription. In 1907, a special building was built for the Museum, but it has repeatedly changed its address and is currently located in a 2-storey mansion of a prominent businessman Khodyakov built at the beginning of the 20th century and adapted for a museum.
There are unique archaeological items, rare specimens of Caucasian and Eastern weapons, and a rich photographic fund in the museum collection. Currently, the structure of the museum includes the Main museum and 12 branches.

North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies named after V. I. Abaev
North Ossetian Institute of Humanitarian and Social Studies named after V.I. Abaev - Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Research Center Vladikavkaz Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences – the oldest scientific institution created on the basis of the Ossetian Historical and Philological Society.