
In 2011, I spent twenty days in Vladikavkaz. In the morning I was awakened by the call of the muezzin for morning prayer, coming from the Sunni mosque. Every 15 minutes I heard this singing, sometimes short, sometimes long, loud or barely audible, depending on how far from the mosque I was. These sounds were mesmerizing, and even when the singing stopped, it continued to sound inside me. When dusk fell, in the mosque - this could be seen through the half-open door - the lights were on and people began to gather to the evening prayer. From the dim light muffling the color, for a moment, before disappearing behind the doorway, men and, less often, women fell into a strip of light pouring from the inside, and their clothes flashed with bright colors.

And once, accompanied by Mamed Rashidov, an artist from Azerbaijan, I decided to approach the mullah and ask permission to film the entrance to the mosque. The camera that I used for shooting at that time did not allow getting a distinct image in low lights, and this blur, unsharpness created a feeling of unsteadiness, unreality of what was happening. Actually, just like in the other two videos about spaces that I never managed to get into, and which to some extent remained a mystery for me. This is a story with billiards - a kind of men's club lost in a park on the banks of the Terek – when my presence with a camera opposite the entrance caused slight surprise and bewilderment among of ping-pong and billiards fans - so, the idea of ​​entering the billiard room did not even come into my head; and the story in the Komsomolets cinema, in which I delegated the right to look through different doors and visit closed spaces to a local girl with a beautiful name Dzera. I would like to continue working on these stories, get closer, enter, open the veil of secrecy. And if it doesn't work out - well, there is a special attraction in understatement.

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